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The Globalization of Compliance

A Paradigm Shift

Local Focus: In the not-so-distant past, regulatory compliance was primarily a matter of adhering to local laws and industry standards.

Global Shift: However, the advent of globalization, coupled with rapid technological advancements, has precipitated a paradigm shift.

Interconnected World: Today, businesses operate in an interconnected world where regulatory frameworks transcend national borders.

Proactive Approach: This necessitates a comprehensive and proactive approach to compliance. The contemporary compliance landscape is characterized by a complex interplay of legal, ethical, and reputational considerations, impacting businesses of all sizes and sectors.

And why you should care?

Compliance Statistics

44% of organizations have faced “legal or external regulatory actions where a policy came under review as part of the action or defense”. (Penman, C. & Stephens, R. (2016). 2016 Ethics and Compliance Policy Management Benchmark Report. Retrieved 18 January, 2017)

68% of risk management employers feel that their compliance department is “insufficiently resourced for the demands made on it”. (Barclay Simpson. (2016). Corporate Governance Recruitment Market Report 2016 - Compliance. Retrieved 12 January, 2017)

Nearly 47% organizations feel that keeping policies current with changing regulations is their number one challenge. (Penman, C. & Stephens, R. (2016). 2016 Ethics and Compliance Policy Management Benchmark Report. Retrieved 18 January, 2017)

Only 27% of CCOs strongly agree that they monitor and track for regulatory changes. (Stryker, Nicole. "The Compliance Journey: Boosting the Value of Compliance in a Changing Regulatory Climate." KPMG. Ed. Karen Staines. KPMG LLP, 2017. Web. 13 July 2017)

Better Information Better Bussiness

From Local Laws to International Standards

Compliance in the Digital Age

Data-Driven Solutions

Strategic Integration: As we look towards the future, it is evident that compliance will become increasingly integrated into the fabric of organizational strategy.


Data-Driven Technologies: The proliferation of data-driven technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, offers unprecedented opportunities for automating compliance processes, enhancing risk management, and ensuring adherence to evolving regulations.


New Challenges: However, this also presents new challenges, requiring businesses to adapt to the dynamic nature of compliance.


Resource Investment: Businesses must invest in the necessary skills and resources to stay ahead of the curve.

The High Stakes of Non-Compliance

Risks and Repercussions

Far-Reaching Impact: The implications of non-compliance are far-reaching and can have a devastating impact on a company's bottom line, reputation, and long-term viability.


Financial and Legal Risks: From financial penalties and legal sanctions to reputational damage and loss of customer trust, the costs of non-compliance can be exorbitant.


Public Scrutiny: Moreover, in an era of heightened public scrutiny and stakeholder activism, organizations that fail to prioritize compliance risk being marginalized.


Strategic Imperative: It is imperative for businesses to recognize that compliance is not merely a regulatory burden but a strategic imperative that can foster sustainable growth, mitigate risks, and enhance brand value.

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